Thursday, October 04, 2007

Country Boy's Social Security fix: FairTax

The FairTax could easily be the solution to fixing Social Security. The economic growth that would stem from the expansion of business and our economy from the FairTax would protect Social Security for generations to come.

It would also create tax revenue from sectors of the economy the federal government currently does not receive any revenue from.

When tourists come to the U.S. and spend their billions of dollars do they pay any Social Security Tax? Nope, but under the FairTax they do.

How about the billions and billions of dollars that goes untaxed in the underground economy of organized crime, drug dealing, and the income of our illegal aliens? The FairTax makes them all taxpayers as well. Never heard of the FairTax? Isn’t it time you learn about this revolutionary grass movement that would eliminate the IRS forever and transfer more power from politicians to the people since 1776?

Go to to learn more or buy the New York Times Best Seller FairTax book here.

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