Saturday, August 04, 2007

Young America's Foundation gets the MTCW award for backbone.

Yesterday I told you about Robert Spencer and how he was the latest target for the Council of American Islam Relations.

Spencer was invited to speak to the Young America’s Foundation to address their National Conservative Student Conference.

This really put CAIR’s turbans in a knot.

Spencer maintains a blog called jihad watch that depicts the atrocities of Islamic terrorists around the world. He is also the author of several books that are not friendly to Islamic fascism. Some of the titles: “The Truth About Muhammad: Founder of the World’s Most Intolerant Religion” and “The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam.”

CAIR worked really hard at trying to get YAF to cancel Spencer’s speech. They issued a demand to YAF that he not be allowed to speak. In the event that he does speak they demanded all false and defamatory statements are not to be disseminated at the session.

A false and defamatory statement would be anything that accurately describes the atrocities committed world wild in the name of Allah of course. You know, cause Islam is just so peaceful and accepting.

Now here is the part where YAF earns the MTCW award for backbone.

Jason Mattera, a spokesperson for YAF proclaimed that they would not be intimidated by Islamic thugs and followed with this comment:

“CAIR can go to Hell and they can take their 72 virgins with them.”

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